The Bible. The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by Inspiration of God, and are our infallible rule of faith and practice (II Timothy 3:16).
God. There is one true and living God, revealed in nature as the Creator, Preserver, and Righteous Governor of the universe; and in the Scriptures as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Deuteronomy 6:4; John 4:24; Genesis 1:1; Psalm 47:7).
Christ. Christ is God manifested in the flesh; in His divine nature truly God and in His human nature truly man. (John 1:1-14; Philippians 2:6, 7; Romans 4:25; 1 Timothy 2:5).
The Holy Spirit. The Scriptures assign to the Holy Spirit all the attributes of God. He is the Third Person of the Trinity and is a Person, not merely an influence (John 16:7-14).
The Government of God. God exercises a wise and benevolent care over all beings and in all things by maintaining the constitution and laws of nature. (Acts 17:28; Psalm 22:28).
The Sinfulness of Man. Man was created innocent, but by disobedience fell into a state of sin and condemnation. (Ecclesiastes 7:29, Ephesians 4:24; Psalm 51:5; Ephesians 2:2, 3: Romans 3:23).
The Work of Christ. The Son of God, by His incarnation, life, sufferings, death, and resurrection, effected for all a redemption from sin, and is the ground of salvation by faith (1 John 2:2; Titus 2:11; Hebrews 2:9; Romans 5:18; 8:1; Ephesians 2:8, 9).
The Terms of Salvation. The conditions of salvation are Repentance (2 Corinthians 7:9,10) (Proverbs 28:13) Faith (Revelation 2:10) Continuance in faith and obedience until death (Revelation 2:10).
Election. God determined from the beginning to save all who would comply with the conditions of salvation. Hence by faith in Christ men become His elect (Ephesians 1:3-6).
Freedom of the Will. The human will is free and self-controlled, having power to yield to the influence of the truth and the Holy Spirit and thus be saved, or to resist them and perish (Deuteronomy 30:19; Mark 16:15, 16).
Salvation Free. God desires the salvation of all, (Isaiah 55:1; Ezekiel 33:11) the Holy Ghost strives with all, and whosoever will may come and take of the water of life freely (John 3:16; Revelation 22:17).
Perseverance. All believers in Christ who through grace persevere in holiness to the end of life have the promise of eternal salvation (Romans 8:38, 39; 2 Peter 1:10; Ezekiel 33:18).
Gospel Ordinances. Baptism, or the immersion of believers in water (Romans 6:3, 4), the Lord’s Supper (1 Corinthians 11:23-27) and Feet Washing (John 13:3-17) are ordinances of the Gospel, and are to be perpetuated until Jesus comes.
Tithing. God commanded tithes and offerings in the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 14:22; Malachi 3:10), Jesus endorsed it in the New Testament (Matthew 23:23), and the Apostle Paul commended it (1 Corinthians 16:2).
The Christian Sabbath. The divine law requires that one day in seven be set apart for rest, worship, holy works and activities, and for personal communion with God (Exodus 20:8-11; Luke 24:1-6; Acts 20:7).
Resurrection, Judgment, and Final Retribution. The Scriptures teach the resurrection of all men at the last day.
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