What to Expect on Sunday

sanctuaryEvery Sunday morning we gather together as a church to worship our God and Lord Jesus Christ through songs, prayer, and the reading and preaching of His Word.  While there are many different times and places at which our members gather for various reasons, the Sunday morning service is the main meeting of FFWBC.  More than any other time, this is where we sit together under God’s Word so that we may be mutually encouraged and challenged.

Our morning service begins at 10:30 a.m. and usually lasts about an hour.  Our church is made up of people from all walks of life and represents a good range of people of different ages. Most of our people tend to dress business casual, but there are many who wear jeans.  It doesn’t matter what you wear, what matters is that you come with an attitude of reverence to worship God and the Lord Jesus Christ.  We’d love to see you there sometime, and we’d encourage you to plan on sticking around a few minutes after the service to meet a few people.    We love to stay around for a while, talk, and get to know new people.