Able to Sympathize 12/13/20 Listen Bible Text: Hebrews 4:14-16 | Speaker: Cory ThompsonSeries: Christmas 2020
The Obedient Life of Jesus 12/13/20 Listen Bible Text: Romans 5:18-19 | Speaker: Cory ThompsonSeries: Christmas 2020
The Incarnation: Seeing the Glory of God in Christ 11/29/20 Listen Bible Text: John 1:14-18 | Speaker: Cory ThompsonSeries: Christmas 2020
Finding Joy as a Justified Sinner 10/25/20 Listen Bible Text: Galatians 2:15-21 | Speaker: Cory ThompsonSeries: Fighting for Joy
The Covenant at Shechem 10/04/20 Listen Bible Text: Joshua 24:1-28 | Speaker: Cory ThompsonSeries: Joshua